Monthly Archives: May 2010

Serving-Learning at ACM

We are excited to announce that we will be launching a service-learning course this fall! Introduction to Peace Studies will be including a service-learning project within the course requirements.

What is Service-Learning? There are no set definitions; however, it is considered to be a specific type of instruction technique that incorporates action and reaction. Learn and Serve America defines it as, “a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.” This means, that each service-learning course is designed to provide the student with a stronger context to the subject they are studying. A service-learning component gives courses a purpose.

Are you a student or faculty member of ACM?  Would you like to take part in our goal to offer a variety of service-learning options? Just want to know more? Contact us!

Event Updates

The Volunteer Center of Allegany College of Maryland is up and running!

Since we opened in February we have worked with the Academic Reading Center to co-host a successful Read Across ACM day, worked with the Peace Studies Club to pull off a large benefit council, and co-hosted a Volunteer Fair with the Volunteer Center of Allegany County.  All successful and all attended by public and campus members alike.

We are now hard at work planning the next Volunteer Fair to be held in September, and the next Read Across ACM day in March.   Interested in learning more or being part of the events?  Send us an email!


The Volunteer Center is now publishing a monthly email newsletter containing information on upcoming volunteer opportunities and more.  If you are interested in receiving the newsletter email us at